• RASKC volunteer role: Reber Ranch Cat-Care Team since 2018.
  • Graduating from: Kentlake High School (Kent).
  • Future plans: To study at Green River College.

What do you like about RASKC volunteering?
Flexibility of being able to volunteer at RASKC. And the happy environment being around cats and the mission to find homes for each and every feline.

What is something that you learned during RASKC volunteering?
There’s a huge problem with people neglecting animals more than I thought. Being able to be a part of the mission to help cats find homes makes my heart happy every time an adoption happens.

Given the COVID quarantine, what is something that is helping you get through these unprecedented times?
With my senior year being not like expected, I have found this time to really focus on what matters. And for me that is self- love. I’ve been able to take care of my overall health, family and loved ones with the COVID guidelines. Along with getting back to the hobbies I love such as sewing and much more. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my highs and my lows, just like everyone else, but I’ve also been investing time to take this experience to better myself and for my future plans.